(2040) It is not a legal opinion in good faith if it is tailored to the wishes of the President. (1815) 1He totaled, after bank and legal fees, about $85.00, which was paid as a lump sum. (2074) In which country is downloading from a file-sharing network no longer legal? (520) Following an outcry, they were granted a legal residence permit. (1270) Many words have been given a colorful meaning by legal construction (2041) Sanctions are in a legal vacuum, as are rewards for bravery. (684) At present, all animals are legal things. (1892) This store also sells the black rubber disc of legal copy from the United States, in Europe! 842) The gap between the two branches of the legal profession (1382) The militia decided to dispense justice outside the legal system. (2020) However, this centralization was less legal than doctrinaire for the time. (1515) Advocate a socialist legal system and at the same time provide the above-mentioned services. (571) In the end, his brilliant legal footwork paid off.

(1936) One can only imagine the legal consequences of such an observation. (1227) The legal arrangements for the sale are a matter for negotiation. (1544) Behind this, corporate power could function without legal interference. (1049) Stricter legal safeguards are needed to protect consumers. (541) Note: The approver must be a legal representative. (580) 1This is the legal advice to which you can refer. (622) Innkeepers have the legal right to be paid in advance. (1171) Antrobus` legal claim in this regard was confirmed by a lawsuit in 1905.

(2072) Several broadcasters have announced that the episode will be withheld for legal reasons. (1123) It also shows that the district spends nearly $00 on legal fees. (1329) Armed forces have legal authority to arrest drug traffickers (1455) The bookseller holds blank documents and other legal documents for sale. (975) Homeschooling of our children is very much within our legal rights. (1604) However, as Alex had said, this gave them the legal right to control them. (482) These documents have no legal status in Great Britain. (1514) The Code of Hammurabi is one of the oldest legal systems in the world. (627) They therefore purchased a scanner. These are perfectly legal (944), that is, she is his legal wife, and I am his lover. (1033) Insurance companies retain the best legal talent in terms of mandates. (809) and the legal community and even the academic community (835) Gay and lesbian couples aspire to the legal right to marry.

(1583) When asked about her philosophy of law, she says she does not like labels. (1148) On the other side of this legal wall are legal persons. (1633) Thirdly, it is questionable what contribution criminal law can make to legal theory. (579) The legal guardian must act on behalf of the child. (1279) 1The company is required by law to disclose one of the persons. (1357) Family status is the legal status of a family member (450) I came as a legal adviser. (1063) It took only a few minutes to complete the legal formalities. (581) We hope to be on the legal principle, discuss some. (991) If it is a legal matter, you should seek professional advice.

(446) It should be legal, but we need more resources (2031) However, it is recommended that you stick to the legal means to grow your wealth. (1112) This provision has proved to be similar to the previous legislation. (721) Dred Scott lived in Missouri, where slavery was legal. (1442) Quality legal representation is essential to the success of a business. (586) No one is going to make legal fuss about ownership. (1589) Which law corresponded to the legal development of Europe and Latin America (2066) And I tell you, I will not seek the legal opinion of Donald Trump (1947) 1Currently registered auditors have been confronted with the trend of expanding legal liability. (1629) In this legal system, corporal punishment is imposed only on adult men. (1866) Difficult cases make bad laws, but outdated conventions make bad legal practices.

(1499) Discharge: exemption from a contractual or legal obligation. (1456) In civil law, a legal obligation should be the counterpart of a legal action. (1391) Remember the golden rule of legal public relations – keep the customer in the picture. (1028) This loophole has proved lucrative for the agricultural giants. (430) You are required by law to exercise due diligence. (1109) Perhaps it was a question of legal or political expediency. (1500) 1It was hardly capable of promising impartial or even legal advice. (766) Pleadings and Evidence Based on Exaggerated Arguments (1925) The legal precursor to this case can easily be found in the law library. (1751) My primary legal address or telephone number was not found at all. (1348) Museums work closely together, but are legally separate persons.

(2015) See a court official who serves legal documents and exercises due diligence. (720) However, there were legal objections to a covert operation. (1031) An advocacy group advocating for the legalization of cannabis. (476) As we all know, May Day is a national holiday. (1749) This is an extraordinarily narrow circle within the legal profession. (1765) Some games do not work with the Genesis Game Genius see Legal problems below (1938) It was therefore more a formal legal rule that saved them than a formality. (1508) Then there are those who want a legal way to kill other people. (718) They spent a lot of time discussing legal niceties.

(1225) The legal system operates very differently in the United States and the United Kingdom. (1698) He was quickly overwhelmed by his own scandals and possible legal dangers. (1267) Instead of these control mechanisms, which are at the heart of our legal system (1863), allowing a witness not to provide evidence interferes with judicial proceedings. (1168) Well, that`s because it`s legal for humans to copy each other. (2008) She had been well advised, now it is time to take legal action against him. (1700) An autopsy revealed that the alcohol in his blood was above the legal limit in Oregon. (1231) Going to court in 10 days would be such a legal lynching. (852) It is perfectly legal to charge additional fees for these services. (1122) Expertise in the process of registering legal persons is required.

(653) We therefore have a legal vacuum which needs to be filled. Sentences can bring things to life for your reader. I dare not cringe when you read this sentence from Penelope Lively: (1606) The mother of an illegitimate child had no legal recourse against the father. (927) He was greeted with hospitality by the legal profession. (2046) Counterfeits are usually so different that legal action can be avoided. (2095) We had to dig through pages of legalese before we could sign the contract. (2027) Protection and liability insurance only insures the legal liability of carriers. (1935) He said he believed it was the legal right of the school to withhold exam results. (1615) What role did race play in the trials against Simpson? (2096) This is a completed civil law issue. It has a limited qualification as a legal entity. (1343) As partners, they would share profits, losses and legal liability.

(1026) 1The case illustrates an interesting legal principle. (711) A pioneer of legal sociology in Germany was Max Weber. (1696) No jurisdiction could afford the cost of this legal expertise alone (1592) They do not want legal distinctions between legal and illegal sharing. (848) 1The hotline will provide legal assistance to women and children. (517) I thought you were Faouzi`s legal guardian. (1182) Chapter Two: Analysis of the Legal Principle of the Genuine Sale of Assets. (1421) During a career that spanned four decades, Brewster enjoyed many legal successes. (1406) Just because something is legal does not mean it is ethical. (895) State-backed fatwa is the one with legal authority (1828) There are also legal restrictions on the use of price-sensitive information. 490 Slavery was legal in the new Republic of Texas. (662) 1Drafting of legal memoranda and revised draft opinions. (992) 1The government has given priority to the reform of the legal system.

(748) They also show obesity above the legal limit. (1835) This avoids disputes over the government`s plan to increase expenditure. (422) But is it perfectly legal and fair? Absolut (1418) What dictated Roman law when a parent contracted a legal marriage (536) They decided not to take legal action against him. (860) We also have to sell everything to pay the legal bills. (544) and they cannot intervene directly in disputes. (2030) The effectiveness of a legal contract lies in the fact that each party does not constitute a breach of contract. (1924) There may be significant legal issues related to collateral in Bitcoin (1210) The amount of alcohol in his blood was three times the legal maximum. (1017) Marriage as a legal bond may be outdated, but I doubt it.