Peter Eliastam

Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs

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The Knock

Oh Love Whom we so dearly need to know,
To share the tears You shed so long ago,
Your passion and Your pain for us below
Wrath’s roiling clouds of anarchy and fear.
We cannot miss the signs! The end is near!
Dear Love of Christ, we must express You here.
You are HaShem – The God of Israel
In Jacob’s trouble, our Immanuel –
Resisted by the denizens of Hell!
While all the world around us runs amok,
We spend our days dependent on the clock.
Our door is locked. We do not hear You knock.
You are not there to visit – but to stay.
Yeshua! Startle us to life today!
Eternity’s a wake-up call away.

Ears To Hear

No, neither in the earthquake nor the flood,
Nor in this night of facts misunderstood;
Not by the conquest of the atmosphere
Can Christ be judged by things as they appear.
The vault of Heaven, locked to human sense
With enigmatic load of recompense,
Hangs hard on all that Israel holds dear.
Hearts quail and falter as The Day draws near.
Further than the creature in Creation’s form,
Closer than the whirlwind or the storm;
To those who listen with an inward ear,
The Voice of God is still, and small, and clear.
“My people Israel! What have you done
With Him Who is your Hope, your Only One?”

Holy And Just

My God! Against You only, have I sinned!
Having sown the wind, and reaped the whirlwind.
Who knows his heart, except it be exposed?
Browsing through Your Living Word, I have closed
My eyes, refusing to transact with You,
Not knowing what it means to be a Jew!
Wicked and deceitful above all things,
Born in iniquity and sin, there clings
To me a covert disposition bred
Before my birth in heart and soul and head.
I was conceived dead in my mother’s womb,
Born separate from You, from cot to tomb.
Without Your grace, a son I could not be
Had you not sent Your Son to die for me.

Cause Us To Keep Watch

Even as we weep among the brushfires –
Incendiary from land to land – astir
With sudden monumental, blazing choirs
Chanting dark cantatas – pitch-blend bitter!
Acrimonious towards Messiah’s
Reign – as Zion, foreordained to conquer,
Arises in the hope Your Word inspires.

Even as we heap upon the hearthfires –
Unquenched in dankest pestilential air,
That fervour-fueling prayer this hour requires,
Vigilant, we watchmen – by Another
Power working – pray as grace inspires,
For Jerusalem below, to choose her
High inheritance – though flesh expires.

Even as we sleep among the campfires –
The wings of Your dove are sheathed with silver,
Its feathers with shining gold – blue sapphires
Fold ruby molten violet to myrrh
And frankincense, commingling our desires,
Poured spikenard – shattered alabaster –
Domed by an earthen heaven pierced with spires.

Dire Warning

All they who dare to touch Jerusalem,
Who stand before The Burning Bush roughshod,
Will know such devastation due to them
Who touch the retina of Israel’s God!

The Cherubim of Glory guard His Land,
Aflame with unimaginable fire;
While myriads of angels take their stand
To instantly obey their God’s desire.
A whirling sword is drawn in Michael’s hand
To lead the vanguard of His King, Messiah.

All they who dare divide Jerusalem,
Who override The Word of God slipshod,
Will reap the conflagration due to them
Who strike the retina of Israel’s God!


We see Your pageantry in starry skies.
The sun lights up the moon. The moon replies
In symmetry’s celestial disguise.
And can there be, in Gilead no balm,
No lovely hymn to sing to You, no psalm
In heartfelt praise, dear Lord of peace and calm?
No magnifying glass? No telescope?
No prose to rouse our faith to love and hope
On higher ground for universal scope?
Were there to be for Israel today
No intercessors, none to watch and pray –
Who would be prepared? Who would show The Way?
Let poetry and spiritual songs
Bear witness Lord, to whom all praise belongs.

In Christ

“And now, my child, let us embrace again
This season of immedicable pain.
In this dark world, we claim no fixed domain
Nor place for rest of heart or head, but His.
Held close to God, we share His joy and bliss.
His love is kind. Christ does not act amiss.
Relax, my child, for I am your defence,
Move onward now, and live with confidence,
Without a qualm, without designed pretence.
And though you grieve, there is no turning back,
Nor failing to believe your every lack
Is fully met by Me in each attack.
I’ll guard you when you’re taken unaware
And dear one, when you need Me, I’ll be there.”

What Of The Night?

There spreads an odour difficult to name,
Of expectation guttering to grief,
Where faithfulness is like a candle flame
Snuffed out in pungent fumes of unbelief.

Invasive doubt enshrouds the candlestick.
Pervasive disappointment chars the air.
Forlorn and purposeless, an untrimmed wick
Has buckled down to blackout in despair.

The nations rage, imagining vain things
Against the Lord and His anointed Son,
Yet all the while their spate of riotings
And spite are spurring His great purpose on.

World mobs are working out His grand design
Unconscious that as drudges of the King,
The Chosen People they as one malign
Will by Him, in the end, rule everything.

Adonai Yeshua


No shade of turning
Between the longing and the belonging,
Between the yearning and the returning.
Between one another and the Other
Falls no shadow, and no time prolonging
The fear of burning.

Changed between a moment and a moment!

And in a twinkling,
Between the foregoing and the going,
Between the lesson and the unlearning,
Between the brother, sister and mother
Caught up in the clouds in air unknowing,
Within an inkling –


Good News

There ripples in the wind, a flag unfurled,
With an emblem unacclaimed by the world.
The linen of its field is drenched in blood,
And the righteous yield to its scarlet flood.
Gold, blue and purple, its heraldic hues,
The banner of the comfort of the Jews,
The Jews. The banner of the comfort of the Jews.

There issues from the cross, a hope unknown,
Which the Law and the Prophets have foreshown.
The things to come have been foreseen,
For everything that is, has always been,
That the Gentiles yield to the best of news
On the banner of shield of the Jews,
The Jews. The banner of the shield of the Jews.

The Man descends with the clouds overhead,
Who lived and died, and is raised from the dead.
All eyes on the earth will see Him appear,
And those who despise Him will quake with fear.
He will wield His wrath on all who abuse
The banner of the gospel to the Jews,
The Jews. The banner of the gospel to the Jews.

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